Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Breakfast-Muffin French-Toast Bake

Here's how to make a "special" breakfast out of whatever muffins you like!

The story (if you're interested)...
You might ask, "Why not just eat the muffins?" You could do that. The story behind this dish begins with my boyfriend buying groceries while he was hungry. He does this all the time - it's the baked goods that always get him. He ends up buying a dozen muffins (a half dozen of this flavor, a half dozen of that, because they both look so good) from the supermarket bakery. Needless to say, too many muffins for two people to eat before they go stale, unless we both eat a muffin for breakfast every day of the week. I don't eat sweets for breakfast unless it's something special... so, here's how to make a "special" breakfast out of those leftover muffins!

You'll Need:
  • 8" x 8" baking dish, or a pie plate might work
  • 4 large muffins (I used banana nut)
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/4 c milk
  • maple syrup for topping


  1. Mix the eggs and milk in a small bowl.
  2. Slice the muffins each into 3 pieces horizontally (I sliced off the top, then cut the bottom in 2 even halves).
  3. Grease the baking dish.
  4. Using only the bottom parts of the muffins, arrange them in the baking dish so that they make a basically solid layer. You will have to cut some into smaller pieces. It's like a muffin puzzle! I filled in the corners by cutting 1 slice into 4 pieces.
  5. Pour half of the egg mixture evenly over the first muffin layer.
  6. Using the muffin tops (in the center of the arrangement) and the remaining muffin slices, make a second layer in the dish. Again, you may have to cut the circular slices into smaller pieces, like so...
  7. Pour the remainder of the egg mixture evenly over the dish.
  8. Bake at 350 degrees for about 25-30 min. or until golden brown...
  9. Serve warm with maple syrup!
  10. Yummmm.

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