Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fluffly Eggnog Pancakes for Christmas!

You can take any buttermilk pancake recipe, and just use eggnog in place of the buttermilk -- it helps to add some cinnamon and nutmeg, too. Here's my recipe:

Eggnog Pancakes


1 1/2 c flour
3 1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
3 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
(optional: a few generous dashes of allspice and/or ground clove)
1 egg
1 1/4 c egg nog
3 Tbsp vegetable oil

Preheat griddle to 325 degrees (just hot enough for a drop of water to dance around before sizzling away). Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Place an ovenproof dish (I like to use a pie plate) on the center rack to warm with the oven.

Mix dry ingredients with a whisk.

Mix egg, egg nog, and oil in a small bowl.

Combine wet and dry ingredients.

Allow the batter to set for a few minutes. Not sure why... this just seems to help. 5 to 10 minutes should suffice.

On the griddle, drop 1/4 c of batter to form each pancake.

These won't get the "bubbles" on top quite as much as regular pancakes will (so you can tell when to flip them). You might see one or two bubbles, but really you just need to pay attention and check the color after a few minutes.

After cooking on both sides to the perfect golden-brown-ness, place finished pancakes in the pie plate in your oven to stay warm while you cook the next batch.

Enjoy with maple syrup or whipped cream on top!

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